
Learn about OUR SERVICES

We offer multiple tiers of support for organizations, from full-day intensives to support frontline staff in service organizations to multi-year programs designed to leave a legacy of compassion-driven productivity.


We help people who help people.

If your organization shows up for people who have experienced trauma, has high rates of burnout, or you have organizational dysfunction stemming from ongoing issues (e.g. chronic absenteeism, unhealthy communication, political division, etc.), we can help you!

We have served organizations with a variety of missions, including:

  • Schools
  • Healthcare Facilities
  • Child Advocacy Centers
  • Early Childhood Education Programs
  • Nonprofits
  • Domestic Violence Shelters and Sexual Violence Assistance Agencies
  • Religious Organizations
  • Counselors
  • Umbrella Organizations and Supporting Networks  


We offer coaching and training packages to assist organizations with:

  • Training frontline staff in trauma care best practices
  • Coaching programs that can reduce burnout and increase employee retention
  • Training leadership (e.g. Board of Directors, C-Suite staff, Managers, Owners, Department Heads, etc.) on how to implement trauma care organization-wide and reduce systemic dysfunction.

Essentially, we support you in creating lasting change that leads to systemic (and personal) wellness.


We feel this deep in our souls.

There is often so much pressure with sales calls, and absolutely nobody wants to have high pressure sales tactics used against them ("Buy today or else we will triple the price *and* punch you in the face." Okay, maybe not the last part, but you know that's how it can feel.) At Five Ives, we do things differently.

First, we never engage in gross sales trickery. Our calls will leave you feeling seen and heard and there is never any pressure from us! We want the best for you and your organization, even if it (sadly) isn't us! 

Second, we don't keep pricing off the website to trick you into a sales call. We don't have pricing on the website because our packages are custom built and there are a lot of factors to consider. How long is the program? Is it in person and are there travel costs? How many people are in the program? Is it multi-tiered (e.g. a coaching program for leadership combined with a full-day program for frontline staff)?

We are open that we are looking for organizational leaders ready to invest in organizational wellness and that our average package costs $24,000, and our most commonly purchased package is a six-month coaching program for practitioners. 

If you send us the information for what you are looking for, we can create a rough estimate for you!

Absolutely! In the Five Ives stages, this is the "Survive" stage and we understand how difficult it is to think about starting a program when everything is falling apart. We meet organizations where they are and gently help them take steps toward organizational wellness.

Generally, the only one-time one-hour training sessions we do is for conference keynotes or breakout sessions. Most of our packages are coaching programs designed to provide ongoing support and real lasting organizational change. Our most common package is our six month coaching program (one hour sessions once a month for six months) because it balances affordability with the need for ongoing support. 

It can be challenging to implement large-scale change quickly, especially if your organization is in crisis mode. (The Five Ives stages speak to this!) But this does not mean there aren't options.

One effective strategy is to have a voluntary pilot program and collect data from the programming to inform the next stages of the project. When people see how effective it is to regulate the nervous system and establish healthy practices that reduce stress and encourage productivity and peace, they will want to reduce their own feelings of distress created by burnout. Simply put, other people will raise their hands to participate!

Another option is to create a plan for phases of implementation that address organizational needs. For example, in a school district, a leadership program over the summer followed by a roll-out across the school district that spans a few semesters could help create space for the project within the larger organizational needs. 

We understand the need for smaller organizations to have help, and also know that it is often out of reach financially as you are growing. We offer leadership coaching cohorts that take you through our programming for between $2,500 and $6,000 a person, depending on the cohort length and topics.

You will be placed in a cohort of other leaders in similar organizations and receive six months of leadership coaching. You will receive invaluable training and many tools for implementation. Email us at jessica[at]fiveives.com to get on the waiting list for our next cohort!

If you are looking for a more holistic program that gives support to a greater number of staff at a lower cost per person, we recommend applying for grant funding to help pay for a more holistic program. We can help you as you work through the grant application process with language to describe our services and pricing estimates to give to potential funders.

struggling with high rates of burnout

We work with organizations prone to burnout, overwhelm, and stress among leaders and employees. We help organizations go from putting out metaphorical fires to doing the work they dream of doing for those they serve.

This is a multi-year program designed to take your organization through the Five Ives, the stages of healing to gently change direction from being on a hamster wheel, burning yourselves out to showing up with the energy you need to serve again.

wanting to implement trauma-informed care

We offer organizations in "helping professions" (e.g. schools, nonprofits, social services, first responders, medical organizations, etc.) to confidently say for them, trauma-informed care is more than a buzzword.

With Five Ives, you are getting what you need to make sure your organization is going in the right direction as you help people who have experienced trauma. We offer multiple tiers of support, starting from a full-day training intensive to a trauma-informed certification program that gives your donors, grantors, and those you serve confidence you are *actually* trauma-informed.

Tell us about how we can help: